Searching for People
One of the best things about the Internet is being able to connect
or re-connect with people. One of the worst things about the Internet
is that some of those people you might not want to be re-connected
with can maybe find you. Access to personal information and the
privacy issues that go with this kind of power are major issues.
However, basic telephone and address information has always been
easily available from phone company sources. Additionally, there
are other methods, reunion sites, associations and such, that provide
other methods to seek out old friends, find new ones with similar
interests and so on. Here are some places to try...
Beoming a popular place to register to find and be found. For everything
from grade school thru university, work and military.
White Pages · Yellow Pages · Email · Maps ·
City Guides
The Email lookup did find one current Email address of mine. Unlike
IAF below, which had very old data.
411 Locate
White Pages · Yellow Pages · Email · Public
Includes things like address and reverse phone number lookup.
Phone · Public Records · Ancestry
US Search
Extensive basic searches. Plus additional paid services for seeking
public records. This one definitely borders on what many would consider
an invasion of privacy. It's an interesting balance or argument...
valid reasons for access vs. invasion of privacy. Most people likely
come down on one side or ther other, but often depending on why
someone wants to know. In any case, in addition to the free services,
they have some paid services that can get to fairly deep personal
Internet Address Finder (IAF)
Originally mostly Email addresses, they now include typical phone
lookup services. Amusingly, they had several online addresses for
me from the late 1980s, (CompuServe), which I haven't used in years.
And a very old Yahoo address as well.
Mostly paid services, but supposedly can get to unlisted and cell
phone numbers as well as a variety of background checks.
Basically a phone book. You can use the search box on the top right
of this page. It's the same service, though they have more on their
web site.
